
The details are still sketchy, but it looks like households can get €100 back on their water bills

After much debate on the issue of Irish Water, the Tánaiste this morning confirmed to News...

08.48 13 Nov 2014

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The details are still sketchy,...

The details are still sketchy, but it looks like households can get €100 back on their water bills


08.48 13 Nov 2014

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After much debate on the issue of Irish Water, the Tánaiste this morning confirmed to Newstalk Breakfast that that "households" will be given a €100 payment towards the cost of the water charge. 

While being questioned on the issue of water conservation support payment, Ivan Yates asked the Minister if this would be universally extended.

Joan Burton says the Department of Social Protection will set-up a new unit to administer the payment. 


The Minister stated: "I agreed with the Taoiseach that there would be a €100 water conservation support payment, particularly for people on low incomes."

"It will extend to households and the finer details are being worked out. I expect that people who pay their water charges that the household, should they wish to, will get a water support grant."

She says she accepts that the timeline for establishing Irish Water was "too ambitious" - and says the charge must be as equitable as possible.

On PPS numbers, Minister Burton stated: "Irish Water has asked people for PPS numbers. They will only access any data in the Department of Social Protection after they would have agreed a protocol with us and with the Date Protection Commissioner.

"This is an issue which I confidently expect that Minister Kelly will deal with when he announces the reformed programme next week."

Here is the interview in full:

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