
Mairia Cahill: We know of one alleged abuser who was moved to New York

Mairia Cahill says she knows of one alleged IRA abuser who was moved to the care of a priest in N...

10.06 13 Nov 2014

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Mairia Cahill: We know of one...

Mairia Cahill: We know of one alleged abuser who was moved to New York


10.06 13 Nov 2014

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Mairia Cahill says she knows of one alleged IRA abuser who was moved to the care of a priest in New York.

She was speaking to Newstalk Breakafst after a debate in the Dáil on allegations that Sinn Fein and the IRA covered up some child abuse by moving alleged abusers abroad.

During the heated discussion Taoiseach Enda Kenny accused Sinn Féin of "unholy collusion" in covering up allegations.


Chris Donoghure began by asking if Gerry Adams had come up to the mark:

Meanwhile, Leo Varadkar says he doesn't believe Gerry Adams' claims that he has no knowledge of Republican sex abusers being moved from North to South.

The Sinn Féin President made the remarks in yesterday's Dáil debate on the allegations brought forward by Mairia Cahill - after the Taoiseach accused the party of "unholy collusion" in covering up alleged sex abuse by members of the IRA.

The Health Minister says the Republican movement has "consistently told us lies about the past".

He says he doesn't believe Gerry Adams' assertions.

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