
Mary Lou McDonald on tax evasion allegations: "I'd like to see a full investigation"

The Public Accounts Committee will meet this Wednesday to discuss the terms of an investigation i...

07.49 10 Nov 2014

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Mary Lou McDonald on tax evasi...

Mary Lou McDonald on tax evasion allegations: "I'd like to see a full investigation"


07.49 10 Nov 2014

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The Public Accounts Committee will meet this Wednesday to discuss the terms of an investigation into allegations of tax evasion made by a whistleblower at the Department of Jobs.

The civil servant brought a dossier of claims to the PAC last week and it is believed to contain allegations against well known political figures.

This morning, Mary Lou McDonald, Deputy leader of Sinn Fein, spoke to Newstalk Breakfast this morning about the allegations.


"The dossier that we received is very comprehensive. It does contain allegations of tax evasion and other serious matters. It's important to emphasise that they are only allegations at this stage."

"I'd like to see a full investigation on all these matters."

Ms McDonald also stated that she or her party colleagues are not withholding information related to sexual abuse from any IRA investigations during the conflict in the North: "Neither I nor they are sitting on information or withholding information in respect of child welfare.

"In many instances, people left, people were told to go.

"In the course of the conflict, this wasn't a phenomenon just in Republican or Nationalist neighbourhoods, this happened in some Loyalist districts."

"The IRA was never, ever the appropriate channel to report an incident of sexual violence or abuse."

She also spoke about Gerry Adams comments over the weekend about Michael Collins and Independent newspapers, claiming it was a historical reference.

Gerry Adams made the comments at a fundraiser in New York - during an attack on the newspaper group over coverage of Mairia Cahill's sex abuse allegations

The Sinn Féin leader was referring back to an old IRA raid on the Independent's offices during the War of Independence.

Here is the interview in full:

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