
VIDEO: Minister may be called on to explain allegations of tax evasion dossier

A member of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) says a current minister could be called in to exp...

11.51 7 Nov 2014

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VIDEO: Minister may be called...

VIDEO: Minister may be called on to explain allegations of tax evasion dossier


11.51 7 Nov 2014

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A member of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) says a current minister could be called in to explain why they did not act on allegations of tax evasion among politicians.

Sean Fleming of Fianna Fail says a dossier given to PAC members this week came from within a government department, and was probably known to the minister in charge.

TDs will meet next Wednesday to discuss whether the allegations must be handed to gardaí, or whether they can investigate themselves.


Mr Fleming says a minister might have to explain why they did not act sooner.

However no current sitting politicians are believed to be involved in the allegations of the dossier, which was given to the PAC by a serving civil servant.

The revelations - made in the Irish Times - say the civil servant in question alleges that a number of state agencies also failed to fully investigate the claims.

The dossier also contained what appear to be copies of bank records, the paper says.

In a covering letter sent to the accounts committee, it says that investigations were halted before completion and that requests to resume them were refused.

The letter makes allegations regarding one former minister. Allegations are also made in the dossier about a former judge.

It is believed the dossier was considered in a private session by members of the PAC yesterday.

Irish Times journalist Martin Wall wrote the story. He told Newstalk Breakfast earlier that no current sitting politicians are involved in the tax avoidance allegations.

And the Health Minister Leo Varadkar says the PAC is seeking legal advice on the dossier:

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