
"Not a problem for you, because you're home alone" - The Paper Review

There were two stories dominating front pages in this morning's papers - the deepening financial ...

08.17 1 Jul 2015

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"Not a problem for you...

"Not a problem for you, because you're home alone" - The Paper Review


08.17 1 Jul 2015

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There were two stories dominating front pages in this morning's papers - the deepening financial crisis in Greece and the tragic incident in west Cork that has seen two people drown and another missing after they were swept out to sea by a freak wave.

The Irish Times leads with "Ministers in talks as IMF deadline passes", covering unfolding events in Athens and Brussels. The front page also features a spectacular picture of a mountaineer visiting "the roof of Ireland" - MacGillycuddy Reeks.

The Irish Independent leads with "Three feared dead after family is swept into sea", covering the tragic incidents in Cork.


Beyond the headlines, Chris educated Ivan on a website called - a website that ranks British MPs on their physical attractiveness. And it seems the subjects are one of the biggest consumers, with almost 500,000 access attempts from Westminster and its environs.

The Irish Times also drags us back 25 years with an Italia 90 supplement reminding us of the homecoming celebrations a quarter of a century ago.

And a story in the Daily Telegraph caught Ivan's eye, with scientists from Oxford University finding that going to sleep without resolving a row can have a detrimental effect on relationships.

Ivan told us that he was giving some wedding day advice to "Never let the sun set on your wrath to keep your marriage going." Sage, sensitive words from Ivan - before he told Chris: "Of course, not a problem for you because you're home alone."

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