
The Paper Review: "I'm going to go on a rant here..."

Ivan is no fan of the RTE Orchestra it seems - or at least not the bill it leaves the tax-payer. ...

08.24 10 Sep 2015

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The Paper Review: "I&a...

The Paper Review: "I'm going to go on a rant here..."


08.24 10 Sep 2015

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Ivan is no fan of the RTE Orchestra it seems - or at least not the bill it leaves the tax-payer. With annual expenditure of €11m revealed in RTE’s accounts for 2014, Ivan declared “I’m going on a rant here...” and then was good to his word as he asked of the orchestra: “What’s it got to do with RTE? It’s nothing to do with public broadcasting? Who listens to Lyric anyway?”
“This is just to keep Gay Byrne happy is it?”

The two main stories in today’s broadsheets are the ongoing crisis at Stormont, and Ireland’s response to the refugee crisis.

The Irish Independent leads with: “Fein terror link crisis as party chief is held over IRA murder”, covering the arrest of Sinn Féin northern chairman Bobby Storey.


The Irish Times covers Enda Kenny’s plans to meet with the SDLP to hopefully help avoid a collapse of the power sharing executive – “Taoiseach intervenes in effort to prevent Stormont collapse”.

The Irish Examiner covers the refugee crisis, and criticism of the Government response, with “Rights groups shut out of crisis plans” telling us that 16 agencies have hit out at a lack of a properly untied response to the crisis from the Irish government.

The tabloids are a mixed bunch today, with five papers leading with five different stories.

The Herald covers the announcement of the closure of Dublin store Boyers, the Sun covering the dispute over the sacking of a Ryanair air steward over asking Jedward for an autograph, The Mirror proclaims “Our Hero” for the Irish co-pilot of the British Airways plane that went on fire on a runway in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, the Daily Mail covers the findings that show Alzheimers could be a transmissible disease, while the Star keeps us abreast of the fate of the Nowlan Park streaker, who had been landed with a sentence of 80 hours of community service.

Elsewhere in the papers Chris was taken with a story on a study that found the vast majority of 4000 high paid men would give up some of their salary for more time with their families, while Ivan was pleased to see that a new study finds an apple a day might actually keep the doctor away.

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