
The Paper Review: One tragic image dominates the front pages

This morning’s papers are, almost without exception, dominated by the harrowing image of a ...

08.20 3 Sep 2015

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The Paper Review: One tragic i...

The Paper Review: One tragic image dominates the front pages


08.20 3 Sep 2015

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This morning’s papers are, almost without exception, dominated by the harrowing image of a drowned three-year-old Syrian boy, Aylan Kurdi, on a Turkish beach.

The Irish Examiner shows the most open, arresting photo – of the young boy lying face down in the sand – while other papers that do carry an image of the child show a Turkish border guard carrying the lifeless body away from the sea.

The Irish Examiner carries an editorial from editor Tim Vaughan explaining why the paper chose to print the image.


The Irish Times is notable this morning by the lack of the image, or any mention of the incident, on its front page.

The Irish Daily Mail gives over the entire front page to the image, with the headline: “A little boy who must shame us into action”, while the Irish Daily Mirror goes for a similarly total focus, with the headline, “Unbearable”.

Beyond the ongoing refugee crisis, the fallout from the Fennelly Commission report continues, as does coverage of the Banking Inquiry, which returned yesterday with the testimony of Michael Fingleton.

Beyond that Ivan and Shane discussed the effect of social media on the ever more old-fashioned tradition of seeing friends in the flesh, with the average number of visits to see friends dropping by a third in the last two decades.

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