
W82G0 tackles "obesity epidemic" for Irish children

Currently an estimated 70,000 children in Ireland are clinically obese, in what doctors are now c...

19.26 27 Nov 2014

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 W82G0 tackles "obesit...

W82G0 tackles "obesity epidemic" for Irish children


19.26 27 Nov 2014

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Currently an estimated 70,000 children in Ireland are clinically obese, in what doctors are now calling an “Obesity Epidemic”.

Health professionals from the ‘W82GO Healthy Lifestyles Clinic’ in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital are leading the way in combating childhood obesity, through a 12-month, multidisciplinary programme. 

It all began back in 2004 with Anthea Savage (clinical nurse specialist) who, at the time, was based on the day ward in Temple Street Children's hospital. Over time she found that more and more patients were being turned away from elective surgeries due to their weight. When a child gains weight they become an anesthetic risk, therefore surgery becomes more complicated and is often ruled out.


Ms. Savage was inspired to pioneer a multidisciplinary programme within the hospital, offering parents and children a way out of clinical obesity.

Ten years later, the W82GO clinic is leading the way in treatment for childhood obesity.

Over a 12-month programme children from ages 18 months to 16 years have access to a number of departments which work together to give the patient the best chance of a healthy life.

They include physiotherapy, dietetics, psychology, nursing and paediatrics.

Listen back to the full report here, where doctors and parents explain how the W82GO programme works.

W82GO is hosting an educational evening on Thursday 28th November, between 7-9pm, in Temple Street Children's hospital. The event will encourage children to bring about initial changes, take referrals and offer invaluable advice. “There is no blame, we understand that this is not a situation parents want to be in but its crucial to take that first step to tackling their childs obesity.”

For more information go to

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