
"We are much better in Ireland than we think we are" - former head of HSE, Professor Brendan Drumm in Ethiopia

President Higgins is on a state visit to Africa for 3 weeks; where he's had a number of state bi-...

07.51 6 Nov 2014

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"We are much better in...

"We are much better in Ireland than we think we are" - former head of HSE, Professor Brendan Drumm in Ethiopia


07.51 6 Nov 2014

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President Higgins is on a state visit to Africa for 3 weeks; where he's had a number of state bi-lateral meetings and visited South Sudanese refugees.

Last night he addressed Irish people in Ethiopia, and the role Ireland makes in Africa as part of its foreign policy.


Among the NGO’s and volunteers present, was former head of the HSE, Professor Brendan Drumm, who is working with VSO, and has been in Ethiopia for the last month, and will be there for some time, on a voluntary capacity.

Shona Murray is with the President, and she caught up with Brendan Drumm; she started by asking him about his new life in Ethiopia:


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