
Cyber attacks and data thefts

The C Suite is where the people who know the most and control the most in any company hang out.  That’s why their opinions matter.  The latest Global Risk Management survey from the consultants AON suggests that cyber-attacks and data theft are the things that keep CEOs and CFOs awake at night the most increasingly though supply chain issues have risen in terms of worries for bosses.  Rachael Ingle Chief executive of AON Ireland which carried out this survey in 61 countries joined Joe Lynam on the show...

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07.24 9 Jan 2024

Cyber attacks and data thefts

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07.24 9 Jan 2024

The C Suite is where the people who know the most and control the most in any company hang out.  That’s why their opinions matter.  The latest Global Risk Management survey from the consultants AON suggests that cyber-attacks and data theft are the things that keep CEOs and CFOs awake at night the most increasingly though supply chain issues have risen in terms of worries for bosses. 

Rachael Ingle Chief executive of AON Ireland which carried out this survey in 61 countries joined Joe Lynam on the show...

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