
Des McCarthy Chief Executive of Microfinance Ireland

We all saw the shocking images of an actual tornado ripping through Leitrim village causing millions in damage.  Some of the companies turned to microfinance to fund their reconstruction and restocking. These are low cost loans of up to €25,000 which are backed by the Irish State.  Microfinance Ireland fills the gaps between what entrepreneurs can afford to lend to their business and what banks will lend which is often very little to start up companies.   Speaking to Joe this morning was Des McCarthy is the Chief executive of Microfinance Ireland. 

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06.45 3 Jan 2024

Des McCarthy Chief Executive of Microfinance Ireland

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06.45 3 Jan 2024

We all saw the shocking images of an actual tornado ripping through Leitrim village causing millions in damage.  Some of the companies turned to microfinance to fund their reconstruction and restocking. These are low cost loans of up to €25,000 which are backed by the Irish State.  Microfinance Ireland fills the gaps between what entrepreneurs can afford to lend to their business and what banks will lend which is often very little to start up companies.  

Speaking to Joe this morning was Des McCarthy is the Chief executive of Microfinance Ireland. 

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