Energy prices soared for companies and consumers last year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It left many households facing extraordinary bills and in need of a bail-out from the central government. Now those energy prices are starting to inch downward but are they retreating as quickly as they rose? Joining Joe to discuss the energy markets in Ireland and what we can do to keep bills down was Klair Neenan, Managing Director of SSE Airtricity.
Discuss the energy markets in Ireland
Energy prices soared for companies and consumers last year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It left many households facing extraordinary bills and in need of a bail-out from the central government. Now those energy prices are starting to inch downward but are they retreating as quickly as they rose? Joining Joe to discuss the energy markets in Ireland and what we can do to keep bills down was Klair Neenan, Managing Director of SSE Airtricity.
06.45 9 Nov 2023