Many people are currently doing ‘Dry January’ deciding not to consume alcohol for the month after the excesses of the festive season. But what if that month led to a permanent giving up? Kate Gunn took a month of booze and then her life changed. She’s the author of 'The Accidental Soberista' - she joins Mandy Johnston to tell her all about her experiences.
The benefits of saying "goodbye" to alcohol for good with Kate Gunn
Many people are currently doing ‘Dry January’ deciding not to consume alcohol for the month after the excesses of the festive season. But what if that month led to a permanent giving up? Kate Gunn took a month of booze and then her life changed. She’s the author of 'The Accidental Soberista' - she joins Mandy Johnston to tell her all about her experiences.
12.15 14 Jan 2023