
"Italy is #Greenlist, Failte Ireland chairman shouldn't get flack for it."

Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin spoke to Newstalk over the weekend, explaining why she aske...

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16.48 17 Aug 2020

"Italy is #Greenlist, Failte Ireland chairman shouldn't get flack for it."

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16.48 17 Aug 2020

Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin spoke to Newstalk over the weekend, explaining why she asked the Chairman of Failte Ireland Michael Cawley to resign since he chose to holiday in Green list Italy.

But is this cancel culture or shaming culture? Did he do anything wrong? After all Italy is on the green list and you don’t need to isolate for 14 days on return. Henry McKean has been speaking to the Irish Independent who broke the story, travel experts and people getting off a flight from Rome at Dublin Airport.

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Failte Ireland Green List Henry McKean Italy Michael Cawley Newstalk

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