
Lisa Smith – should we let those with Isil links return?

Lisa Smith left Ireland for Syria in 2015 and married an Isil sympathiser who later died. She is currently being detained along with her two-year-old boy by US forces. Should she be allowed to come home?

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13.37 11 Mar 2019

Lisa Smith – should we let those with Isil links return?

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13.37 11 Mar 2019

Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri, Chair of Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council and Chief Imam at the Islamic Centre of Ireland  and many many callers joined in on the discussion on Dundalk native Lisa Smith. 

She left Ireland for Syria in 2015 and married an Isil sympathiser who later died. She is currently being detained along with her two-year-old boy by US forces. Should she be allowed to come home?



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Dundalk Isil Lisa Smith Syria

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