An Irishman living in London was frustrated by the amount of space he had on his balcony to grow his own food. He attempted to join a local allotment site and was faced with a 10-year waiting list. He asked himself, "How do we make this garden party more exclusive?" Enter the urban oasis trendsetter, Conor Gallager, who's now matching green-thumbed enthusiasts with available spaces faster than you can say "Photosynthesis." His website is called Allot Me and also incorporates its very own AI-powered horticultural guru, Hazel...
Finding the Perfect Allotment
An Irishman living in London was frustrated by the amount of space he had on his balcony to grow his own food. He attempted to join a local allotment site and was faced with a 10-year waiting list. He asked himself, "How do we make this garden party more exclusive?" Enter the urban oasis trendsetter, Conor Gallager, who's now matching green-thumbed enthusiasts with available spaces faster than you can say "Photosynthesis." His website is called Allot Me and also incorporates its very own AI-powered horticultural guru, Hazel...
14.23 18 Aug 2023