Today 4000 pupils with additional needs went back to school today after being closed since before Christmas, bringing structure to the students and respite to their parents. Henry McKean visited one of the 124 special schools reopening, Scoil Mochua Clondalkin CRC (Central Remedial Clinic) in Dublin and met SNAs (Special Needs Assistants) pupils and the principal.
"I missed my teachers & friends." Meet student Lee O'Leary as special schools reopen
Today 4000 pupils with additional needs went back to school today after being closed since before...
15.11 11 Feb 2021
"I missed my teachers & friends." Meet student Lee O'Leary as special schools reopen
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Central Remedial Clinic Crc Henry McKean Newstalk Scoil Mochua Clondalkin CRCRelated Episodes