
Making To-Do Lists: Why do men and women differ?

Lists are a big part of many people’s lives, whether it be that all-important shopping list for your weekly supermarket visit or the ‘to do’ list in a diary, we’ve all been there at some point. Now, a new book entitled ‘Listful’ examines the how, why and who of list making. Stefanie Preissner was joined by Dr Jo Nolan, a Linguist at SOAS University of London and the author of the book...

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16.50 5 Sep 2023

Making To-Do Lists: Why do men and women differ?

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16.50 5 Sep 2023

Lists are a big part of many people’s lives, whether it be that all-important shopping list for your weekly supermarket visit or the ‘to do’ list in a diary, we’ve all been there at some point. Now, a new book entitled ‘Listful’ examines the how, why and who of list making. Stefanie Preissner was joined by Dr Jo Nolan, a Linguist at SOAS University of London and the author of the book...

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