Will the Garda overtime ban cause a particularly hellish Halloween? That's the view of Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh, who joined Kieran Cuddihy in studio to voice his concerns about how the ban, introduced by Commissioner Drew Harris in September to curtail Garda spending for the rest of the year, might affect the amount of policing that can be done by the Gardaí on one of their busiest days of the year.
Is the Garda overtime ban setting us up for Halloween havoc?
Aengus Ó Snodaigh joined Kieran in studio to discuss his concern with the ongoing Garda overtime ban and the effect it might have on policing this coming Halloween.
11.19 18 Oct 2019
Is the Garda overtime ban setting us up for Halloween havoc?
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Antisocial Behaviour Fireworks Garda Overtime Ban Gardai Halloween Kieran Cuddihy Newstalk Newstalk Breakfast Shane ColemanRelated Episodes