“It’s not about nimbyism or people who don’t like green energy, its about having a knock on effect for the local environment.” Brittas Bay locals concern of new Arklow Bank Windpark offshore windfarm
When we think of wind farms we think of clean energy and the environment. SSE Renewables are inve...
07.55 21 Jul 2021
“It’s not about nimbyism or people who don’t like green energy, its about having a knock on effect for the local environment.” Brittas Bay locals concern of new Arklow Bank Windpark offshore windfarm
When we think of wind farms we think of clean energy and the environment. SSE Renewables are investing €2BN in the Arklow area of Wicklow, creating 80 jobs with their Arklow Bank Windpark, powering half a million homes. Supporting local community groups with €4 million a year. Many locals are pleased about the new job prospects. But some folks in the Brittas Bay Beach area are worried the wind farms could affect the beach, sandbanks and wildlife. Henry McKean visited the hot, busy Brittas Bay beach area and sent us this report. With Louise Gleeson from SSE Renewables and Secpa.ie South East Coastal Protection Alliance.
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