
'No justification' to prioritise winning over game time for kids U12

There was a huge reaction all week to our caller Mary, whose son doesn’t want to return to training because he gets sidelined on matchday every week. The conversation continued with Minister for Sport Thomas Byrne calling children being sidelined week on week a ‘child welfare issue.’ Kieran was joined by the manager of Cobh Ramblers and Games Promotion Officer with Portlaoise GAA, Shane Keegan to discuss…

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17.45 20 Jan 2023

'No justification' to prioritise winning over game time for kids U12

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17.45 20 Jan 2023

There was a huge reaction all week to our caller Mary, whose son doesn’t want to return to training because he gets sidelined on matchday every week.

The conversation continued with Minister for Sport Thomas Byrne calling children being sidelined week on week a ‘child welfare issue.’

Kieran was joined by the manager of Cobh Ramblers and Games Promotion Officer with Portlaoise GAA, Shane Keegan to discuss…

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