
Relationships: "Maybe younger people in the family they are cuter for longer"

If you are the oldest, the youngest, or an only child - what awaits you in later life? What are the characteristics of people that have been established through their relationships with their siblings and indeed their parents as a result of when they came along? Clinical Psychotherapist Stephanie Regan joins Ivan in studio to discuss.

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18.50 18 Feb 2019

Relationships: "Maybe younger people in the family they are cuter for longer"

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18.50 18 Feb 2019

If you are the oldest, the youngest, or an only child - what awaits you in later life?

What are the characteristics of people that have been established through their relationships with their siblings and indeed their parents as a result of when they came along?

Clinical Psychotherapist Stephanie Regan joins Ivan in studio to discuss.

Read more about

Family Middle Child Oldest Rivalries Siblings Youngest

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