
"She has a right to education" Family of Meath girl secure school place

Some of you listeners may remember back in February of 2021, we spoke with Meath mother Tracy Carroll. Tracy’s daughter Willow suffers from cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other medical needs. Her family has been struggling for the past two years to find Willow a school place. Well that day has now arrived, and Newstalk reporter Josh Crosbie has been down to Boyerstown school for Willow’s first week.

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18.30 20 Jan 2023

"She has a right to education" Family of Meath girl secure school place

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18.30 20 Jan 2023

Some of you listeners may remember back in February of 2021, we spoke with Meath mother Tracy Carroll.

Tracy’s daughter Willow suffers from cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other medical needs.

Her family has been struggling for the past two years to find Willow a school place.

Well that day has now arrived, and Newstalk reporter Josh Crosbie has been down to Boyerstown school for Willow’s first week.

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