
"Thatched cottage insurance has gone through the roof & finding a thatcher is like finding a needle in a haystack."

That was Matt Whelan and Phil Doran, two thatchers giving their view on the Thatched Cottage cris...

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17.55 23 May 2022

"Thatched cottage insurance has gone through the roof & finding a thatcher is like finding a needle in a haystack."

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17.55 23 May 2022

That was Matt Whelan and Phil Doran, two thatchers giving their view on the Thatched Cottage crisis. There are only 1,000 thatched cottages left in the country. Some owners can’t get cover or are being quoted up to €8,500 and can’t afford it so switch to a metal roof. There is now only one insurance company offering cover meaning some Irish owners could lose everything in a fire or storm. How important are thatched cottages for our history, heritage and tourism and what would it mean if they all disappeared? Henry McKean has been out and about for us visiting thatched cottage owners and he joins us now.

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Henry McKean Newstalk Thatched Cottages

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