
'Today is about what can we do to change these statistics'

Today is international Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder day. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders or FASD is a term for a series of developmental disorders that are caused by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Ireland is the third worst country in the world...

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17.00 9 Sep 2022

'Today is about what can we do to change these statistics'

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17.00 9 Sep 2022

Today is international Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder day. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders or FASD is a term for a series of developmental disorders that are caused by exposure to alcohol in the womb. Ireland is the third worst country in the world for alcohol-related birth defects because of women drinking during pregnancy.

Kieran was joined by Professor Maeve Eogan, Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist in the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin to discuss...

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