
Saturday the 14th of March - In Case You Missed It

Join Susan Cahill this week for a look back at some of the biggest news and current affairs stori...

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19.30 13 Mar 2020

Saturday the 14th of March - In Case You Missed It

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19.30 13 Mar 2020

Join Susan Cahill this week for a look back at some of the biggest news and current affairs stories, human interest interviews and sports coverage of the week.

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7 Things That Make Or Break A Relationship Burgundy Wines Conor O Dwyer Coping With Stress And Anxiety Hidden Histories International Womens Day Is Having An Affair Worth It? Kevin Mc Gahern Liam Cunningham Phil Thommo Thompson Safety Measures On Coronavirus Self-isolation So You Think Your An Adult! Suicide Figures In Northern Ireland

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