Esther McCarthy and Tomas Clancy join Sean for this week's movies and booze. Today Esther reviewed One Upon A Time In Hollywood and Gaza. Thomas had Sean and Esther tasting a Champagne Marie Courtin, Resonance 2014, a Wild Burrow Gin by Lidl and a Fabre Montmayou, Gran Vin, Mendoza, Argentina 2014.
Movies & Booze #toothymovies
Esther McCarthy and Tomas Clancy join Sean for this week's movies and booze. Today Esther revie...
16.42 16 Aug 2019
Movies & Booze #toothymovies
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Esther McCarthy Gin Movies Movies And Booze Newstalk One Upon A Time In Hollywood Sean Moncrieff Thomas Clancy Toothymovies WineRelated Episodes