Documentary On Newstalk presents "Extraordinary Éire" a fast paced dash through the history books. A two-part documentary series focusing on the discoveries, inventions and successes attributed to Irish people throughout history, many of which are largely forgotten by today’s society.
Episode Two, Up In The Éire, looks to the skies, and tells the stories of Irish aviation and the heroes of Irish flight, those who have emigrated and Irish products which have been sent to the four corners of the earth, chemists who furthered our understanding of gases, revolutionary astronomers and the first witch trials in Western Europe.
Written and narrated by Donncha O’Dea. Produced and edited by Amy O’Dwyer. Various voices by Aisling Breen, Anthony Kinahan, Margaret McAuliffe, Ste Murray, Ciaran O’Grady, David O’Meara and Deborah Wiseman.
The programme is funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, with the Television Licence Fee.