‘Two Thieves’, a darkly-comic audio drama written by Hugh Hick and produced by Heather MacLeod.
In an alternate dystopian society, two criminals are up for the public vote on a Government-sponsored radio programme – and only one can be saved. With echoes of Beckett, a biblical story becomes a contemporary exploration of populist rehabilitation and political manipulation, and whether in a world run on the fingertips of snap judgements and mob rule, can anyone really be saved? Bleak and comic in equal measures, Two Thieves holds a lens up to the things we think we know about the people we’ve never met.
The drama features Mary Murray, Matthew Malone, Michael James Ford and Margaret McCauliffe with original music composed by Justin McCann. Two Thieves was written and directed by Hugh Hick, and produced by Heather MacLeod.
The programme was made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television License Fee.