
Drug Possession Debate: Should it be legal?

The Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use and Electric Picnic are both happening this weekend, so we discuss the arguments for legalising drug possession as well as the current state of our drug support services across the country. Dr Ian Marder, School of Law and Criminology and Dr Jo-Hanna Ivers, Associate Professor of Addiction at the Department of Public Health, Trinity go head-to-head on the issues. Dr Ivers currently holds the only post in an academic position in addiction in Ireland.

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11.30 3 Sep 2023

Drug Possession Debate: Should it be legal?

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11.30 3 Sep 2023

The Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use and Electric Picnic are both happening this weekend, so we discuss the arguments for legalising drug possession as well as the current state of our drug support services across the country. Dr Ian Marder, School of Law and Criminology and Dr Jo-Hanna Ivers, Associate Professor of Addiction at the Department of Public Health, Trinity go head-to-head on the issues. Dr Ivers currently holds the only post in an academic position in addiction in Ireland.

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On The Record With Gavan Reilly

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