In a world molded by political intrigue and power dynamics, the realms of television and cinema often serve as captivating mirrors, reflecting a broad spectrum of political narratives. From cutting, icy wit to elaborate Machiavellian plots, both the small and big screens offer a diverse array of depictions centred around politics. Brian Lloyd, Movies Editor at joins Mandy to run through some of the standouts.
Politics on the screen with Brian Lloyd
In a world molded by political intrigue and power dynamics, the realms of television and cinema often serve as captivating mirrors, reflecting a broad spectrum of political narratives. From cutting, icy wit to elaborate Machiavellian plots, both the small and big screens offer a diverse array of depictions centred around politics. Brian Lloyd, Movies Editor at joins Mandy to run through some of the standouts.
11.55 6 Aug 2023