As the show was broadcasted from Galway, Anton have been reflecting on the prevalence of the Irish language in the West. One of the Gaelgóir community’s key heartlands is here, but why has Galway established such a strong relationship with our native tongue and do we value it as much elsewhere in the country? Joining Anton to discuss this was Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha assistant secretary at Conradh na Gaeilge and Frank Fahy, councillor and former Mayor, and Chair of Big O Taxi company in Galway, winners of the Gradam Seoiseamh O’Hogarty bilingual business awards in 2021. Dia daoibh.
Do we value our national language?
As the show was broadcasted from Galway, Anton have been reflecting on the prevalence of the Irish language in the West. One of the Gaelgóir community’s key heartlands is here, but why has Galway established such a strong relationship with our native...
11.50 13 Aug 2022