
Navigating Economic Uncertainty with David McWilliams

Ireland's economy is at a crossroads, facing 'considerable external risks' as noted by the IMF, with its pace lagging behind fellow eurozone nations. Amidst this, a Credit Union survey reveals a third of consumers are uneasy about the economy and their personal finances. Yet, David McWilliams, economist and founder of Kilkenomics, brings a refreshing perspective.

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12.00 4 Nov 2023

Navigating Economic Uncertainty with David McWilliams

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12.00 4 Nov 2023

Ireland's economy is at a crossroads, facing 'considerable external risks' as noted by the IMF, with its pace lagging behind fellow eurozone nations. Amidst this, a Credit Union survey reveals a third of consumers are uneasy about the economy and their personal finances. Yet, David McWilliams, economist and founder of Kilkenomics, brings a refreshing perspective.

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