On tonight's Tom Dunne Show Oisin Davis, of the Damson Diner, creates a new cocktail based on his interest in using wild Irish ingredients.
Oisin says, "Boozehounds like myself always have one particular area within cocktails that we like to get obsessive about. One person might be an absolute nut job about cognac, or a complete daiquiri fanatic. He or she will make that one passion in cocktails to be their continual focus and by default, their specialty. For me, I'm mad about using wild Irish ingredients in cocktails. Things like elderflower, sloes and blackberries really excite me as they can totally pimp out what can be a standard mixed drink. These are items of produce that are high in abundance, full of flavour and most importantly, free. At the Electric Picnic this weekend, I'll be sharing my love for cocktails made with wild ingredients down at the rather amazing Theatre of Food tent. At 5.15 pm on Saturday, I'll be inviting festival goers to get stuck in to it with me as I lash out some free drinks like this one.